I am a front-end web developer who is passionate about creating innovative and attractive web sites. I take great pride in building sites which adhere to web standards, are accessible to the widest audience possible and will work well in a wide range of browsers and devices.
Whether it's working with 3rd party agencies on brands such as Heinz, SIFE and Activision or working with small businesses to enhance their online presence rest assured I will come through with high quality deliverables on time and on budget.
Skill Set
- CSS/XHTML Expert
- Graphic Design
- jQuery and Javascript
- iPhone Optimized CSS
- Information Architecture
- Site Planning & Wire Frames
Interested in starting your next web project?
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Front-End Developer
Voice +1.925.456.4CSS
Address 313 Park Central East, Ste. 201 Springfield, MO 65806 United States